About us

My Philosophy and Practice

Hello, I'm Cara Chapple, the founder of CC Naturopathy, and a dedicated naturopath accredited by the Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS). With a Bachelor of Health Science in Naturopathy, my practice is driven by a commitment to identifying the root cause of your symptoms, providing lasting relief, and preventing their recurrence. Focusing not just on alleviating symptoms but on empowering clients through education to manage their health sustainably.

I offer personalised consultations and treatment plans tailored to the individual needs of each client, ensuring that I address a wide range of health concerns effectively— from mental health and stress to digestive and hormonal imbalances.

Not only will I be offering 1:1 consultations,. My goal as a naturopath is all about balance and empowerment, focusing on the principles of the doctor as a teacher, delivering online courses on each body system to empower clients to embrace naturopathic ways for their whole body health.

Educational Empowerment

Recognising the diverse needs and resources of my clients, I also offer masterclasses designed to provide accessible, lifelong health education. These masterclasses allow you to learn at your own pace, providing foundational knowledge and practical tools to implement lasting health changes.

Services Overview

Personalised Naturopathic Consultations: In-depth sessions tailored to uncover the root causes of your health issues.

Masterclasses: Affordable, comprehensive courses covering key aspects of health, from diet and lifestyle to understanding specific health systems.

Apothecary Services

At CC Naturopathy, you'll also find an apothecary stocked with soothing teas, nurturing skincare and the perfect gift box. These products complement our clinical services, supporting your journey to wellness.

Why Choose CC Naturopathy?

I am passionate about not only treating health issues but also preventing them by building strong foundations of health. My practice updates and refines its methods continuously, adhering to the ATMS's Continuous Professional Education policies, ensuring that you receive the most current and effective care possible.

Join Our Community

By engaging with our services, you gain access to a supportive community through our online groups and membership options, enhancing your journey to health with shared experiences and exclusive resources.